The Null Device

Too many hits from the bucket bong? An 18-year-old in Brisbane has appeared in court and been fined $300 for borrowing his housemate's credit card and going on a spending spree, buying among other things a mail-order penis enlarger and hotel accommodation on the Gold Coast. I'll bet he feels like a right idiot now.

There are 1 comments on "":

Posted by: bzackey http:// Wed May 15 17:53:29 2002

His biggest mistake was not in stealing the credit card, but in using it to purchase the penis enhancement device. His crime spree would never have made the news without that little tidbit (hah!) to tie the story together. My favorite part is how the guy's girlfriend stood by her man in court, and the story could have been improved only if he blamed his misconduct on his desire to satisfy her properly.