The Null Device


Phenomenon of the day: Anoraks who spend hundreds of hours on computer multi-player role-playing games building up mega-powerful characters are selling their characters for real money; novices who want powerful characters but who, alas, have to share their time with things like jobs, girlfriends and heroin habits are buying them, and more traditional players are pissed off at well-off munchkins roaming around with bought super-powers: (BBC News)

Among the lots for sale on Ebay is a Necromancer called Rallos Zek for $1,000. No bids have been received for the character perhaps because there are a few other Necromancers on offer for around half that price.


Courtney Love skewers the RIAA:

She told the story of a "senior record executive" who tried to get into the Internet by having a video of his secretary dancing topless on his site, hoping to attract the attention of surfers looking for porn.


Arch-prankster Joey Skaggs is at it again -- this time with a creative funeral park.


Nyetscape and its discontents: Faced with crash-prone Netscape browsers and uncertainty about when (if ever) Mozilla will come of age, one hacker has resurrected NCSA XMosaic, and bolted on table and (some) frames support.


My 'blog officially doesn't need to die, or so Mr. Scum reckons anyway...